Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Our tree

We have a beautiful sugar maple in our front yard.
In the fall it's amazing...SOME years.
But not every year.
This year it catches my eye everytime I walk by the window.

Every. Single. Time.
And I think to myself "I need to get the kids out on the porch and take a photo in front of it."
But I always get sidetracked.
Or it's too freezing cold out.
Our one of the kids are still in their jammies.

Today Brigg and Ayla stayed home.
Brigg seems to be feeling fine, but then he gets tired or dizzy.
And he needs to be fever-free for 24 hours before sending him back to school.
And they are very very serious about that rule this year.
So he was home today.

It's like 78 degrees out.
The PER-FECT day.
I mean perfect.

So today was the day.
And these are the OUT TAKES.
I got a good one.
And I'm so happy.
You'll see it later.
Off to enjoy the last of this weather...
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Beckysblog said...

Beautiful tree!!

uh, its no where NEAR that warm here by the way.

steffany said...

Okay friday night after set up for the booth. Meet me at Amy's?

Cassie said...

sure! sounds good!

meg duerksen said...

i LOVE your tree. we only have yellow ones. but i notice ones like your every time i am driving around. and i always "look at that!" my kids are so sick of it. :)