Thursday, October 29, 2009

one of those days....

when you feel like you need a full life makeover.

my nearly 2 year-old has brought me to tears.
more than once.

my house has taken over.
i have no order right now.
i'm losing it!

i think i need a day care provider.
and a house keeper. :)


Amy said...

Today is my first day home alone with more than just the baby. My 4 year old is still going to daycare 3 days/week, but today he is home and I'm about to lose it. Granted, I've only had 9 days to get used to this 3 kid thing, but right now it has me a little crazy. And I only have 2 at home! I want a housekeeper, too. One that cooks.

Cassie said...

and does laundry.
she must do laundry.
from start to finish....sorting, washing drying, ironing if necessary, folding and putting it away.
i'm not asking a lot, now am i?
i'm pretty sure my husband will go for this if we can find this person out there...

Farm-Raised said... sounds like you have something else going on right now that's taking a bit of time. Perhaps?

Hang in there,

Beckysblog said...

If you figure out how to get that housekeeper for free...please let me know.

Courtney said...

YES on the laundry!

Holly said...

is the day care provider for you or Alya? ;-)

Anonymous said...

and...hope & a prayer. :-)

Candi said...

Oh dear.... do I want to come home Sunday??!! I'll try to help but I am counting all I have to try to accomplish on my return... oh DEAR!! We will be BUSY!!!!!!!! :)