Friday, October 30, 2009

The joy of yuckiness...

We always have a pumpkin guts fight.
Last year it was outside and that made clean-up MUCH easier.
This year was much too cold.
So it was inside.

The kids knew we were going to be carving pumpkins when I picked them up from school. They started asking when we were going to carve, etc. So I told them, "Let's tell Daddy that I said we weren't going to do the guts fight this year. And then when we cut open our pumpkins, we'll attack when he least expects it!"
They were so excited.

And because life has been a bit hectic lately, Paul fell for it.
He said to me in private, "Are we seriously not going to have the pumpkin guts fight this year?"
I said, "Nope. I just can't take the mess. I'm losing it."
He said, "ok."
But I could tell he was surprised and sad. :)

The big kids were giddy with anticipation.
And we cut the pumpkins open and they went nuts.
Can I just tell you that Paul did not hold back.
His obliging ways were immediately thrown out the window.
Even before he realized the joke was on him, he was attacking them.
When he came to his senses, he kind of looked at me like, "Oops. I couldn't help it."

Ayla did NOT love the fight.
She freaked out.
So I got very few action shots this year.
But evidence of the fight remained long after it was over.
Evidence in the above photo.

I love Halloween.
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Beckysblog said...

That was fun!

Amy said...

You are the funnest mom ever.

Together in Love said...

Totally cool!! Way to make such good memories!