Sunday, August 24, 2008


Ayla's hair just cracked me up in the picture.
She had just gotten out of the bath and it was wild.
But man, look how much it has grown since the picture up at the top of our blog! Crazy!

Anyway, back to Sunday.
Seriously beautiful day out. Perfect.
We spent some time cleaning out the garage so it could house our garage sale we're planning.
In 2 weeks.
Pretty last minute, but I have a ton of stuff that I pulled from the now de-cluttered storage room.
And I'm on a mission. Almost anything is fair game.
Paul said, "You are hard core. Next thing ya know you be selling Ayla!"
No, I won't, but I be selling lots of other stuff.
I'm thinking it will be Friday and Saturday, Sept 8 and 9 ( I think those are the dates).
Greg (our neighbor) is wanting to contribute some stuff as well as mom.
I've never had a garage sale, so it's actually kind of fun at this point.
I'll let you know how I feel about the "fun factor" in about a week and a half.
We started composting last week. (Yes Jody, composting)
So today we were in Iowa City and we got a big compost barrel at a garden center.
We've been doing some research on this and I think it's going to be great...
for us, for the earth, for our flower garden...everything.
Lots of fun stuff around here.
Looking forward to the week ahead.
And I'm sure plenty of pics to come this week.
Gooooo Cardinals!!
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1 comment:

Tisha said...

We've been seriously considering composting as well. I'll be interested in seeing how it works out for you and if you find it worth the effort.