Friday, August 8, 2008

Everything but drink from it.

I've given up on a bottle.
We're going to straight to a cup.

Or at least that's the plan.
I have a feeling Ayla is going to fight it to the bitter end.

(notice her BITING that nipple. um, yeah.)

She loves to play with the cup.

But drink from it? Not so much.
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Anonymous said...

AYLA you are TOO funny!! You are certainly going to have to drink from it some day... :- )

Beckysblog said...

Oh man. We used those tippies with Sullivan because he wouldnt take a cup when we were trying to get him off the bottle.
Wish I had some magically advice for you.
She really is funny, her stubborness reminds me of someone...but I just cant put my finger on who that is?!?!?