8 minutes.
That is the amount of time between the moment I opened my eyes to the moment Brigg hopped out of the car to walk into the school this morning.
"How do I know that?" you ask.
I did it today. I think it should be a world record.
I couldn't sleep last night. Went to bed after 1:00am. Ayla woke up at 6:30 to nurse. I said to myself "I'm just going to lay down for a few more minutes."
Two HOURS later, I wake up to Brigg saying "Mom, it's 8:30."
It's can't be!
It's only the SECOND day of school!
You can't be late on the SECOND day of school!
It was 8:29 when I looked at the clock. Ayla was still sleeping. I starting spouting out orders while I threw together Brigg's lunch and grabbed Ayla out of her crib. He got out of the car at 8:37.
8 minutes.
I'm not sure if you should be embarrassed for me or impressed by my ability to get 3 children in a car with a lunch packed and dropped off at the door in 8 minutes flat.
For me, it was embarrassing.
Tardy on the second day of school.
But at least he didn't have a spare second to mention his desire to stay home today!
Cassie "Lighning Bolt" Burback! You are a stud.
AND the totally impressive part, is that he woke you up at all, i think he secretly likes school!
Oh those mornings are so exhausting!
Great job though!
You better have someone give you a wake up call tomorrow!
Don't expect one(a wake up call) from me.... :-) I have been SO hooked on watching the Olympics till the wee hours of the night, I have not been rising too early in the AM myself. :-0
i'm pretty sure he didn't miss out on any life altering activity this morning, but the first think I asked him when i picked him up was, "Did anyone ask you why you were late?" he said no. whew. oh...AND he was wearing a baseball cap when he walked in the building. in my groggy 8 minute blur, i failed to notice that. the secretary at school did not.
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