Thursday, August 28, 2008

I've run into a bit of a FlyLady "snag"...

You have to be home 7 days a week.
Or suddenly you feel overwhelmed with all the things you need to do to make up for the day you were gone.
That's where I'm at today.
Overwhelmed with it all...


Courtney said...

how long have you been doing flylady?? do you really like it? (i'm always looking for a new "system")

amy smith said...

do you want to borrow my smiley frog?

Cassie said...

yes courtney, i like it. i have only been doing it for a couple weeks, but i can tell a difference in my house. but here's the deal. i really bad at this house stuff. you seem like someone that is all comes natural to. i don't. a bit of a messy, dirty house doesn't bother me much...i just don't think the rest of the world appreciates stopping by to find me in that mess, hence FlyLady. i really do it for everyone else!! :) but it's fun to get the little reminders (just make sure when you sign up you request ONE email a day or your inbox will be flooded with 15 or 20 a day!)

and yes amy, i would like your frog over here!

Naomi Haverland said...

When I get behind, I just skip the email for that day. Is that bad? My husband pointed out yesterday that I didn't read the flylady digest for the day because it was still listed as "new" in our inbox. I guess I better atleast click on it so he won't be able to tell.

Cassie said...

oh yes, naomi.
that is bad.
what if someone stops over and sees your DUSTY knick-knacks?!?

Heidi said...

Since reading your blog I signed up for Fly Lady too. I got my sink clean over the weekend and felt so good. It stayed that way for a few days. It is hard to keep up, but at least I feel good if I get a couple of her suggestions done. It makes me think about what I can do in a few cracks of time. I am not so good at cleaning or doing the dishes etc. I'd rather play :) Thanks for turning me onto the web sight! - Heidi