Wednesday, August 20, 2008

And life goes on...even with Brigg in school.

We went to the park.
Jody took care of my older child while I sat on a blanket with Ayla.

And we had Cheerios for a snack, because, well, I haven't been to the store in like 2 weeks and that's all we had on hand.
How can dry cereal be so very intriguing to all the children?
They were like vultures. Weird.

We hit the grocery store after the park.
Last night I cleaned out the inside of my fridge because it was totally empty.
Felt good to load a clean fridge back up with groceries.
Laundry going, dishwasher running, baby sleeping, anxiously awaiting 3:20.
Yep, life goes on.
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Beckysblog said...

Just think what next fall will be like when its just you and Ayla!

Anonymous said...

Hope he had a good day!