Monday, August 31, 2009

Getting my first real taste of 2 school-aged children...

And I don't love it.
Brigg and Lani are both in fall soccer through the Y.
Brigg has practice on Monday and Wednesday.
Lani has it on Tuesday and Friday.
They both have games on Saturday.
And sometimes Thursday.


I don't do well with a super packed schedule.
I don't know how to juggle.
Plain and simple.

And Brigg has a lot more stuff to do at home for school this year.
Mini "book reports" once a week and lots of reading.

My head hurts.

I need to remember to drink my coffee tomorrow morning.

Tonight I placed all events on the calendar.
Color coded and everything.
I hope this helps. Because I'm really really not good at this.
I couldn't even remember my college schedule for the first 3 months of a semester.
(maybe that was just my excuse for skipping so many classes...i can't really remember. come to think of it...i can't really remember MUCH from college. hmmm...)
I can't even get through a simple blog post without getting distracted.

I don't think I'm cut out for this parenting stuff...let alone this extra-curricular stuff.

oh so much to learn...


Tisha said...

I feel for ya.
That's why we live in the boonies, homeschool, and play most of our sports in the back yard. How do moms keep it all straight and always have the right person at the right location with the right gear? Good luck! And don't forget your java!

Beckysblog said...

Im struggling to get in the 1/2 hour of homework every night...and we dont have any extra activities.

Its eat, bath, homework bed. Where do you put activities?

Cassie said...

we don't bath.
and sometimes we don't eat.

Courtney said...

i am fighting all of this like CRAZY!!! i can't handle it either! (school doesn't even start til tuesday and i'm already stressed!)