Thursday, August 20, 2009

Day 1 for Brigg

Although I'm not ready to send them back to school, I AM ready for some sort of structure around here. School forces me to be on a schedule...which is good for me.
Since we returned from Maine, I have let everything go. Cleaning, laundry, dishes. It's bad. Today we start to get back into a groove. Lani is still here today, but I warned her we would be doing housework all day long. She's ready to help. (although she IS in the bath right now...).
Deep breath in, deep breath out. Today we start a new routine.
It's going to be a good good year.


Beckysblog said...

Just keep breathing...just keep breathing...

Courtney said...

routine is good....but so is the fun of letting things go! we wouldn't appreciate the routine if we never let things go!