Wednesday, October 8, 2008


9 years ago. On October 9, 1999, Paul and I were married.
9 must be our lucky number this year!
Really, I don't know where these last 9 years went. We have evolved as a couple on so many levels, it's unbelievable. Our love is deep and honest and real.
What you see it what you get. It's what works for us.
I remember my first week working at Broosters in the summer of 1995. Everyone kept talking about this guy named PB. He was on vacation. They all said, "Wait until you meet him. He is hilarious." Well, I liked hilarious. And I met him a week later. And I liked "hot", too! :)
A few weeks later, I introduced my friend Korrena to him. As we were pulling up to meet him I said, "I'm not kidding. This is the guy I'm going to marry." And I did. I keep my word.
So because I haven't had time to do anything new, I am re-posting this slideshow I made 2 years ago...with recently added photos as well.
Love him.
That's all.
Love him so much.
(and i bet you can't begin to count how many hairstyles i've gone thru!)


Jennie Peakin said...

That made me cry. I love you guys and hope you have a Happy Anniversary! 9 years!!!!

Beckysblog said...

so very sweet. Love you guys!

Courtney said...

i don't even "really" know you...and i'm crying! you've gotten more beautiful with each year...and i have a feeling that goes for inside as well as out. you HAVE had a lot of hairstyles...but paul has had his share of facial hair changes also :-)

Chris/Stew; Brenda said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! Man It has flown by...seems like yesterday we were in Colorado. Soooo many changes and things just keep getting better. Oh that picture of you with the eyes crossed looks like mongy sooooooo much. HA

Sarah said...

Happy Anniversary! Loved the slide show. You guys were gorgeous then and even more now! Have a great day!!!

Sara said...

Happy Anniversary! You have had a lot of hairstyles, and they all look good on you.

Anonymous said...

You are both beautiful people, and I wish you a very happy anniversary!! I special ordered the weather just for the two of you! Love you, dg

Allison said...

Happy Anniversary!! The slide show was great and you guys always look SO happy! I miss you so much! I hope you guys have something special planned this weekend to celebrate!

Naomi Haverland said...

That was a great slide show- I want to make one now.
Your hubby used to have hair too!

lkautz said...

I've been reminiscing all day long! I enjoy every mintute I spend with the two of you!!!! You are so amazing,I'm so glad you found each other. Love and Hugs to you both!