Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A good long streak is coming to an end...

We made it to October. On October 9, Ayla will be 11 months. And she has never been sick. Not even a little sniffle. As of last night, our 11 month streak came to a crashing hault.
Ayla has a cold.
And we are learning that she is not fun when she's sick.
Some kids get sad, some get cuddly, some just lay around and sleep.
Not Ayla.
Nope. She gets MAD. Screaming, flailing about, mad.
Doesn't want to be held.
Doesn't want to be put down.
It was not a fun night. Hoping she gets some rest today.


Courtney said...

she's NEVER been sick!!! that's AMAZING!

Beckysblog said...

That is just horrid. Lets hope that she doesnt get sick real often!
Get better little one!