Thursday, October 2, 2008

Homecoming Parade

This evening was the homecoming parade.
We decided to all walk in was a BEAUTIFUL day.

Along the way we saw friends and thought it would be fun to take some pictures from this side.
The kids were very confused about throwing out candy.

They refused to do it, really.
They walked up to people and handed it to them.
Brigg recognized Taco...

The sun was setting as we walked to the car.
It truly was an almost perfect evening.
Came home to a pot of chili and grilled cheese sandwiches.

It doesn't get much better than October in Iowa.
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Jennie Peakin said...

cute pics! how's Ayla feeling? How's Paul liking his job?!

Eric and Pam said...

that was a great post until the last which I became VERY homesick. Iowa in October is beautiful. I miss it!

btw, ks in October can be 90 degrees or 50. and it's very brown. It's truly annoying. ;-)

Courtney said...

wow. that made me all nostalgic. about what? i don't know. it was just such a SWEET post!

Unknown said...

Oh, I wish we could have gone. We were going to, but Harrison wasn't feeling well, and then Kelly wasn't feeling well...hopefully next year. Harrison would've loved the parade.