Friday, October 3, 2008


About a month ago we went to look at a house. I had just picked up Brigg from school, so he had his lunchbox with him. I have started sending a container of almonds with him. He asked if he could eat his almonds when we got to this house we were looking at. He ended up bringing them in the house with him. They got left there.
Fast forward a month...
Last night we were going to go drive by a house. Lani asked if it was that house we looked at. I said "What house?" She said, "You know. That house that Brigg left his penis at!"
Hysterical laughing here...especially from the 7 year old boy in the back seat.
She meant peanuts. The house he left his peanuts at.
Sorry. It may not be as funny on the blog. Out of the mouths of babes...

1 comment:

Courtney said...

oh, it's funny. :-)