Sunday, October 12, 2008

A story

So tell me if you have ever heard of something like this happening to anyone before....
We were just leaving the orchard.
We had a ton of stuff we were trying to get packed into the car along with several children.
Paul is the master midway through his apple, he sat it down to help pack.
He picked it back up and took a big bite.
And I think he made a sound that was somewhat like a "yelp".
He said he felt like fire was going through is whole body.
There had been a bee on his apple.
It stung his tongue.
I am not even kidding you.
He calmly walked over to the passenger side of the car and opened the door and sat down.
He pulled down the mirror on the visor and stuck his tongue out.
He proceeded to pull the bee's stinger from his tongue.
I think he started panicking a little bit and he was sucking on ice like a mad man.
But really, it was painful for most of the next 24 hours.
Have you ever heard of such a thing?!?
Only Paul...
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Beckysblog said...

um, no and OW!

steffany said...

Really? No.
I did get stunk by a bee in my eye at my mom's second wedding. I'm allergic. So, I got out of school for awhile.