Monday, March 23, 2009


It's just been a weird day.
Feeling totally disconnected.
I'm not sure why.
Maybe it's just this season of life. Ayla is at that age that makes it difficult to take her anywhere for any length of time.
I feel like we are transitioning into a new phase. Each day Ayla gets older...and so do we. No more babies around this house and it's a weird thought. Is it possible that we have passed through the college years, the "newly married" years, the childbearing years?!?! Apparently it is. And this is a bit scary to me today.
So I'm feeling weird.
And old.
Oh yes, and fat. Very fat after vacation.
And obviously very random.
Good night...

1 comment:

Tisha said...

That feeling you describe of how could this part of our lives already be over? happens to me all.the.time. Life passes so quickly! Makes me it serves as a reminder to enjoy the fleeting moments because both the good and bad fly by.