Thursday, March 26, 2009

I have no idea what I'm doing

That is how I feel most days.
I truly have no idea how to parent these children.
Plus, I had no idea they already had little league sign-ups.
And Brigg has been waiting to be a part of little league for over 2 years.
I missed it.
And now I don't know if he'll get on a team...which makes me feel awful.
I'm bad at this stuff. The organizing, the planning, the meetings and sign-ups and the paperwork you need to bring to all of them. Why would you need a birth certificate to sign up for little league?! I would have never known that.
So now I must beg. Beg them to let Brigg on a team.
The whole "sports" world is new territory for me. Not sure I'm going to love it.
I can feel so many transitions happening in my life right now. It kind of feels chaotic.
And stressful.
I hope I get better. I hope I don't repeatedly let them down. But I have a feeling I will.
I'm just not good at this.


Amy said...

I spent most of September thinking, "How can this be so hard??" One in K, one in pre-school twice a week. Remembeing backpacks, snacks, show and tell, library books, tennis shoes for PE days, cold lunches... I am a fairly intelligent person... I should be able to handle this, right??? Still struggling here. I just figured out this week what day her library books are supposed to be returned on. Which is really lame when you consider the fact that I work in the same building. And now I'm thinking, "God really thinks I can handle another child? How am I going to do this with a newborn??" Sorry for your frustration, but glad that it's not just me. :)

Sara said...

You're doing great! Brigg is so sweet and SO POLITE when he comes for lessons. He even asked if he could wash his hands so he wouldn't get germs on the piano. :)

Cassie said...

he IS a bit of a germaphobe. that comes from his dad. :) as well as the polite gene, i'm sure.

amy, that made me feel a little better actually. thank you!