Friday, October 1, 2010

i'm going to link some pics...

because i love my sister.
and willow.
and willow JUST got groomed for the first time and looks hilarious to me.
you should go see her, too! :)


Beckysblog said...

Cassie you look so beautiful and happy in those pictures!

Welcome back! :)

Naomi Haverland said...

Awww! I want to meet Willow!
I relate to what your sister was saying about thinking adding a dog to the family would be too much, but then changed her mind. As chaotic as life gets, I never consider eliminating Friday, because I think he actually helps relieve the stress and keeps the house lighthearted about it all.

pambuller said...

i love all the different expressions...from all three of you. made me smile.

miss you!