Thursday, December 17, 2009

And this is why...

This is why all you mommies were so excited/jealous.
Because it's so hard to escape the grips of motherhood.
Tonight was no different.
We made it to our first destination...35 minutes away.
It was a wonderful car ride.
We laughed and talked adult talk.
We walked into the store...and my mom called.
Ayla is puking.
And then it was over.
Even though I knew she was in capable hands, I could no longer relax.
We finished up, grabbed a quick burger and headed home.
4 puking sessions later....
We are home.
Big kids stayed at my parents.
And we are going to snuggle in with Ayla and watch Curious George for the millionth time.
Some day we'll get our date.
Some day.


Candi said...

I feel really bad about your disappointment, truly! We wanted to take it on and NOT tell you but ....oh how sad it was and the reality of her waking up to NOT her mom.... she was so pathetic, hated it, always have and always will hate more than anything to see little children sick.... ugh!! The kids are about asleep and so sweet.... Ayla, sweet dreams little angel... nighty night!

Heather said...

oh man! sorry for ayla, sorry for your missed date! hope she's better soon and you get another chance to go out! :(BUMMER!

Jennie Peakin said...

Oh Sweet Ayla! I am so sad that you don't feel well! :( I hope you feel better soon!

Tisha said...

2 weeks ago, we had the SAME THING happen! Only it wasn't puke, it was a fever - and the kids were with friends who had kids, so we had to rush back.
I try not to get too excited about dates during the winter anymore ☺ We never know what kind of illness may thwart our plans.
Poor Ayla :( Her poor mommy :(

Eric and Pam said...

i saw that on twitter last night! ugh! i'm sorry!

Courtney said...

oh NO! i'm so sorry...changing plans is NOT easy!