Monday, January 19, 2009


Today Brigg asked me if I had gotten batteries for the Air Hog he got at Christmas.
I had not.
I said, "I'll get them when I go to the store."
He said, "Are you going to the store today?"
I said, "Actually, I am."
He ran into the kitchen and came back with a sheet of paper and a pencil.
He said, "I'll put in on your list. What else are you getting?"
I had kind of a weird list because I was in charge of food for our small group tonight.
So I dictated my grocery list to him.
I always tell him to do the best he can at spelling and I never spell anything for him.
Must be the reading teacher in me.
So when he finished he said, "I just did the best I could. Hope you can read it!"
Here it is.
Do you know what it says?
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Candi said...

Yup, could read it all!! :- ) What a kid!! :)

Holly said...

me too ;-)

Trish said...

That is a precious memory to keep!

Chris/Stew; Brenda said...

That is great!

Melanie said...

So cute. I would totally frame that.