Thursday, July 31, 2008

Getting caught up...

Spending today getting our lives back in order. I haven't even downloaded photos. But I have unpacked, picked up the house, put clothes away, taught Brigg to vacuum, got 2 of the 3 children bathed, got a shower in myself, and sorted through my pile of "papers" on the kitchen counter. While sorting through those papers, I realized school registration is today and I never sent in Brigg's. I also realized I need to get Lani a physical and Brigg has a tooth growing in behind another one, so we got a dental appointment set up. While I was at it, I went ahead and scheduled Ayla's one year well baby check up! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?! ONE YEAR?!?
Heading down to the bank to sign some papers and then to register Brigg.
Not that any of that matters to anyone else but me...but the is why I'm not blogging today.

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