Wednesday, February 6, 2008

So we could never survive in the Artic...

It's a blizzard. The weathermen were correct. Paul could not make it into work today and so he is home. It's 10:55 and he's bored. He got mad at me because my computer was running slow...I know, totally my fault. I was folding clothes at the dining room table and he walked in and just stood there. Looking at me. Breathing. The man has no idea what to do with himself and unfortunately yardwork is out of the question. So I made him go outside. In the snow. He still looks bored...
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amy smith said...

i was just outside shoveling too, and five minutes later it looks like i was never there. snow sucks. :)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like he needs to shovel some more driveways in the neighborhood. At least he wouldn't be bored.

Heather said...

i could never stay home all the time either....HGTV is getting boring and I eat WAY too much. Hopefully, tomorrow is a 'back to normal' day!

Beckysblog said...

Is he making a snowball? Looks like it.
Tell him to go make a fort.

Cassie said...

yeah, he's making a snowball. i have him out shoveling again. i pulled the kids in from the snow for the day. they've had hot chocolate and their snow gear is in the laundry as we speak. so if he were to make a fort, it would be on his own. but if he doesn't stop bugging me, i'm going to create a project for him to do around the house!

daren, are you at work? come get him!! :)