Thursday, February 28, 2008

One of those days...

Not sure what's up, but I am just having one of those days. Everything seems out of whack. I'm emotional and just not in a good place. Trying to work through it, but for now that's all I got.

A week or so ago I posted a photo of Ayla. Jennie and Amy both said she had the "Zoolander face". I didn't know what that meant, but Jennie sent me a photo last night. Here they are side by side. What do you think??


hotflawedmama said...

HILARIOUS!!! She is much cuter than he is though...

Beckysblog said...

Total resemblance. Although Ayla is cute and he is just scary!

Jennie Peakin said...

I just looked at this while I was on a call with someone complaining to me about their bill. I couldn't hold back a giggle and I had to cover it up so the customer didn't get more angry that I was laughing as he was going on and on and on and on about how he hates Wells Fargo. Thanks a lot! Ha. :)

Anonymous said...

LOVE IT!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

She is so ding dang darling.... but there is a SLIGHT similarity to the funny guy, or scary guy, however you choose to see him! :-) As far as your down mood, let's face it, this winter is a strain on many of us, just try to look to God for wisdom and comfort. Things could be so much worse my sensitive driven daughter ;-) Hang in there!! Love you!!

Unknown said...

That look is called "Blue Steel" (if I remember right)... and it's so funny you posted that because all this time I've been thinking... "Man, I've seen that look somewhere." And no kidding, you have put the pieces together. But I must agree with the other posts, she is SO much cuter than Derek Zoolander (aka Ben Stiller) :)