Monday, September 1, 2008

It has gotten out of control...

My garage sale, that is.
It's bad. I am in full-out DE-CLUTTERING mode. And really, I think our garage is going to be too small.
About a week ago Paul said, "I want no part of this."
Um sorry honey. We have more "stuff" than I thought possible. I have realized that our house is much bigger than originally thought. Things that I have not seen in years are popping up in deep dark corners. It's almost embarrassing.
So we're selling it. All of it. Then we may just have to move to a smaller house. It's looking pretty bare.


Dawn said...

It's crazy that once we got to cleaning the living room I stepped back and said "honey, our house REALLY is big" haha! I guess I need to clean the junk out more often!

Unknown said...

I have your garage sale on my calendar...your "decluttering" could be my treasure! :)

Melanie said...

I'm so jealous! You are going to feel great once you are done with all the decluttering! I think moving might be easier sometimes for us.