Thursday, September 25, 2008

I'm just kind of giddy today...

I'm spending the day cleaning and planning.
Having some friends over tonight and it's been a long long time since I've had a bunch of girls over.
But I think it's been longer since Paul and I went out on a date and tomorrow is our night.
We have not gone out, just the 2 of us, since Ayla was born. Yes, over 10 months. We are due.
Tomorrow is his last day of work. Monday he starts his new job at MP&W.
I have a babysitter lined up and reservations made. I feel like a teenager! :)
Saturday we get to meet my cousin's new baby and spend the rest of the weekend with my extended family, celebrating Tate's 2nd birthday.
Plus, it is just perfect outside today.
Overall, just feeling kind of giddy with excitement and anticipation of what's to come in the next few days.


Sarah said...

hmmm, would the girl's night have anything to do with a certain Grey's Anatomy premiere?

Beckysblog said...

VERY cute!

Chapter 39 said...

what an exciting time for you and Paul! praying the transition is smooth...

wish i was there tonight. i would even be a girl scout and not talk during commercials. ;)


Unknown said...

ahhhhhhhh, sounds like so much fun!!! Enjoy! dg

Eric and Pam said...

that was supposed to be and talk only during commercials. sorry. my mind is lost.