Thursday, February 11, 2010

Thursday? Already?

Lots going on today. I said I wasn't going to turn my computer on until I finished.
I lied. :)
Truly, I'm just checking in quick and then getting back at it. I needed a break.
I need to house to be cleaned from top to bottom.
Packing for the whole family to go visit LEAH this weekend! :)
Finishing up laundry.
Finishing up valentines.
Finishing up room parent duties for the parties tomorrow that we are going to miss because I'm pulling the kids out early to get on the road.
Just busy work.
And now I'm putting Ayla down, so hopefully I will get 2 hours of super productivity!!
We'll see.
SO SO ready for the weekend!

1 comment:

LK said...

I hope I get to see you!!!!!!!!!