Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I think I've been neglecting my blog.
I need to create a new header with new pics.
I haven't given much info on my Africa trip.
And did you know we are DRIVING to florida 3 days after I return from Sierra Leone?
For spring break.
With children?
We are.
Did you know my Dad is going to be heading to Haiti on the Mercy Ship next month?
He is.
Did you know that I haven't purchased bread, tortillas or noodles from the grocery store in over a month because I'm trying to make them from scratch only?
I haven't.
Did you know that we are going to Minnesota to stay with the lovely Leah for a weekend and Paul is going to take Brigg snowboarding while we are there?
We are and he is.
See...lots going on.
But I don't seem to have time to write about it all...


LK said...


Beckysblog said...

That is so cool that your dad is going to Haiti.
I want to hear more about that one.

And more about what you will be doing on YOUR trip.

And yes, update your blog header already...geesch.

Courtney said...

wow...LOTS going on!