Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Housework is never complete

And that is why I hate it.
I like to start a project and finish a project and then move on to something new and different and exciting.
This does not describe housework.
I'm slowly working my way through the house so by Sunday night it will be clean and laundry will be complete, folded and put away.
I need to have bags packed for the kids to stay a night at my parents and spend some time over the weekend at Lisa and Tony's house.
If I get lots done, I may even try to get all packed for our road trip to my parents house in Florida 3 days after my return. I'm sure I won't be wanted to do it when I'm trying to recover so we can drive 22 hours in a small car! :)
I feel like I'm making progress. It's just keeping it all in order until departure day. Lots can happen in 6 days.

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