Tuesday, May 26, 2009

That was fun!!

At some point I do believe all my drawers became "junk drawers".
I used to have one junk drawer.
But now I have several....including all 3 of my main bathroom drawers.
Today I was searching for some super glue in one of the original junk drawers.
My hands got all caught up in a mess of cords. I was practically rolling around on the ground trying to maneuvure my way out of them.
It was time to tackle the drawers.
So I sorted and tossed ridiculous amounts of "junk" today.
I got through 2 kitchen drawers and 3 bathroom drawers.
Man, it feels good!
Plus I got through 3 loads of laundry.
It helps that Ayla took a 3 hour nap.
Who knew she could nap for 3 hours straight if uninterrupted?!?
Not me!
Today was our first weekday with no preschool to run to and from.
A good good day.


Beckysblog said...

I LOVE cleaning out junk drawers!

Heather said...

you made that sound so good, i think i'll go home and clean out my junk drawer! :)

Courtney said...

cleaning out junk is such a good feeling - lots goes in the TRASH!!! :-)