Wednesday, April 30, 2008

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So close!

My dear dear friend Jody got word yesterday that in a few short weeks she could be traveling to Sierra Leone (for the second time) to pick up her 2 year old twins. I am so excited for them I could SCREAM. Ok, I DID scream when she called yesterday. They are just the second family in literally years that are adopting from this war-torn country. Look at Zeke...I think he's ready for his mommy to come get him...

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


It's cold. It's April 29. That's insane! Yesterday when I put Brigg on the bus, it really wasn't too bad out. By the time I took Nalani to preschool, there were SNOWFLAKES in the air. I had to drop off a coat for Brigg at school. I'm ready for spring to come and stay.

Not much going on around here. Going to try and get some cleaning and grocery shopping in today. Eating lunch with Brigg at school. Doing laundry. I know, I know...excitement beyond words. Other than that, I'm sure we'll get in a couple games and a little paiting this afternoon. Lani is turning into quite the little artist. She loves to do all things creative these days. Oh, and as excited as Brigg was about the countdown to the first day of school, he is MORE excited about the countdown to the LAST day of school. I, on the other hand, am not.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Kick for a cure

On Saturday Brigg was a part of "Kick for a Cure" through his TKD school. They raised money to present to the American Cancer Society. It was a great day for Brigg. He broke 10 boards and 8 of those he broke with his hand. This was the first thru eighth time he had ever broken with his hand. I could actually SEE his confidence growing with each break. It was amazing. This has been so great for him. Jesse is incredible and although class is a huge commitment and I often find myself complaining about the time we have to put in, I still love it and all it has done for Brigg's self-esteem.
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Bike Riding...

After Brenda and Bode hit the road to head back home, we stuck around mom and dad's and the kids rode bikes. And Ayla watched...longingly...
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A few more...

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A visit and the park

Brenda and Bode made a last minute visit this weekend. Today we hit the park for a while and the kids picked us a million be-a-u-tiful dandilions! They were so cute and so fun. Feeling so blessed tonight as I look at these photos. How did we end up with ALL the best inlaws?!?
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Friday, April 25, 2008

i just might be addicted...

it's been a pretty low key day around here. other than lani's program, the kids haven't done much. i have been trying to clean the house because, well, that's my job. a part of my job that i absolutely hate, but part of my job, nonetheless. so tonight after grilling out between tornadoes, i sat done and challenged brigg to a playstation 2 Tiger Woods golf game. i won. the kids are now in bed and paul's cleaning the gutters quick before the next tornado arrives and i think i just might fire up the playstation by myself! i'm hooked.

Brigg didn't have school today because it was kindergarten round-up, so the current kindergarteners didn't have school. He ran into one of his classmates at Nalani's program. They were happy to hang out. Lani is becoming a master at the hand bells! :)
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Spring Fling 2008

Today was Nalani's Spring Fling program. It was so cute. She was so cute. I love her...
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Thursday, April 24, 2008

Oh yay.

Brigg has strep. And I'm thinking Paul probably has it as well. After several days of listening to the both of them "whine", I realized there may actually be something to the complaining. So Brigg went in and had a strep test that came back positive. So she went ahead and prescribed an antibiotic for Brigg, Paul and myself. Oops. Maybe I need to listen a little closer to their "whining"! Let's just hope we can keep the girls healthy!

My girls.

Lani...such a little girly girl, yet a lover of bugs and snails and all things slimy...

And Ayla...if only I could capture that heart-melting smile on film more often...

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Some more pics from the day...

Notice Ayla's mohawk. She really wants to be like her brother! :)

Oh happy earth day!

The girls had matching shirts. We bought some begonias and planted them in the hanging baskets on the porch. It was a gorgeous day. Some pics...