Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I love this child...

but often times i just don't "get" him. we are so very different. i have always LOVED school. we often times struggle to get him out the door. he came down with a cold on sunday and has been feeling down and out ever since. this morning he did not have a fever and i told him he had to go to school. he has now missed 6 days (5 for vacation and one for being sick)! he cried and whined and informed me of how unfair it was that he had to go to school ALL DAY five days a week and nalani only had to go three days. and i just don't understand. he has lots of friends. he does really well at school. i have seen him there and he thoroughly enjoys it! it's just GETTING him there. and people, he is in KINDERGARTEN! for heaven's sake, we have 12 years left of this! someone tell me it gets better. please.


Beckysblog said...

Knowing Brigg he is probably not being challenged. That wouldnt be very fun!

Anonymous said...

I think Brigg wants to homeschool. :-)

Anonymous said...

by the way...i'm smiling right now because i can hear you screaming at my comment across two states.

love you.

Cassie said...

you know me well, pam.