Saturday, April 12, 2008


Day one was a success. We are seriously tired though. The kids were up at 3:00 am and were sound asleep by 8:30 Florida time, 7:30 Iowa time. Brigg had a meltdown and cried himself to sleep. Poor guy! He is missing his daddy terribly, but I have a feeling the beach will cheer him up tomorrow. We'll see...
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Jennie Peakin said...

YAY! I have been waiting all day for a post! The pictures are too cute...I am wishing I were there with you snowed today! :( Can't wait to see more "fun in the sun" and beach pictures!

hotflawedmama said...

sooo jealous. :) I miss warm weather. amen on the beach post!

Unknown said...

I loved your blog post on the whole flight attendant thing. I can so relate! But you're right, I wouldn't trade it in. I am jealous that you're in sunny Florida, though, and I'm here where I can see the sun but can't feel it at all... and the beaches around here are kinda gross. :)