Sunday, November 30, 2008

We're home...

A little tired.
Still very very full.
Lots of driving and last night's road conditions were not great.
We left around 7:30 pm from Paul's parents and got home at 12:30.
The kids slept the whole way and I'm so thankful for that.
It was a great time with family...but Paul's flu made another spectacular appearance and hung around the whole time.
We didn't see much of him.
That was the only bad part.
Ayla still acted sick until almost Saturday...just not herself.
But I am hopeful that we are all on the mend for real this time.
And so so thankful for wonderful family!

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Beckysblog said...

Awesome pictures! Glad you are home.

Jennie Peakin said...

Is that snowball fake????!!!! It's like the most perfectly round snowball I've ever seen! Ha. I LOVE that first pic!

Cassie said...

nope...that is a real snowball, courtesy of brigg! :)