Sunday, November 16, 2008

The weekend...

We had a great weekend.
It was a much needed break from reality.
The past weeks have been spent working so very hard on this water project that I feel so so passionate about. And I was getting caught up in it.
After a fun, relaxing weekend spent with family, I feel like I have things back in perspective. And that is a very good thing.
Lisa, Erin and I tailgating.
And we don't know this girl. But we asked her to take a group photo of us after the game.

Her glasses may explain why the photo turned out like this...

I tried to edit it a little so it wasn't so blurry because i really think it was a good photo, but this is the best I could do.
And Paul and his little sisters.
Hard to believe one day I will be looking at photos similar to this of Brigg and HIS sisters.

Pretty thankful today for some pretty amazing family.
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1 comment:

Beckysblog said...

I love the picture of you three girls!

And I really think I've seen that random girl somewhere before - REALLY!!