Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I just ate raw chicken

I want you all to know I love you.
I ate raw chicken tonight.
I'm not even kidding.
Totally raw chicken.
Paul has been in Washington DC for a couple of days. I'm kinda losing my mind with the kids alone. Mom called to see if I wanted to go out to dinner, so of course I agreed!
I ordered tequila lime chicken. Sounds fab, right?!?
It came and I cut a row off. It was covered in fiesta colored tortilla chips and tequila lime sauce. I took my first bite and honestly said, "Ooooh. This is good!"
Then my phone rang.
It was Paul. He was stuck on a plane in DC. Huge storms. Won't let them off the plane, won't let them take off. They would be on the plane for at least an hour.
As he is telling me all about this I am continuing to eat my chicken. Yes, the raw chicken.
I ate the whole row. Really wasn't even thinking about what I was eating. Just thinking "Crap! He won't be home tonight. And I watched that scary Dateline the night he left and haven't slept but 3 hours each night since! Guess I won't be sleeping tonight either."
So I go to cut off the next row.
I think to myself, "Hmmm. It seems kind of 'jiggly'. (i know, very techinal and intelligent here)."
So I look a little closer.
It is gray.
And did I mention raw?!?
Totally raw. Not even slightly cooked.
I tell Paul, "I'm so sorry honey that you are stuck on the plane. But I have to go. I'm eating raw chicken." And I hang up.
The cook comes out and literally says, "I'm so sorry! To be honest, I really don't know how to make that dish right. I prepared the chicken yesterday and froze it. I guess I didn't leave it down long enough. Sorry. Would you like a pork chop or something?"
Ummm, let me think about it. NO!
Ugh, blak, spagh, ghack.
I'm sorry but that is disgusting.
He proceeded to bring out two HUGE fried ice creams.
"Here. Have these on the house. I want to make amends."
I said, "I'm not MAD at you. You don't need to make amends. I just ate raw chicken. I truly cannot stomach that fried ice cream."
So in case I don't wake up in the morning, know that I love you all very much.
And that the raw chicken was my last meal.


Holly said...

that's just nasty.
doesn't know how to make that dish right???? seriously???

Cassie said...

well it is quite obvious that he doesn't know how to make that dish "right".
crazy person.
just plain crazy.

Jennie Peakin said...

And you don't really have the strongest stomach either. Now Mom probably could have ate it and not flinched! Seriously, I LOVE tequila lime raw though! I mean, they should have given you the meal free or something! That is just NUTS! Have you gotten sick yet? I hope you don't!

Unknown said...

Yuck! Hope you don't get sick!! And where was it so I don't order the tequila lime chicken? Just kidding...kind of. :)

steffany said...

I'm totally grossed out with you. NASTY!
How are you feeling?

amy smith said...

i seriously gagged. hope you wake up tomorrow, but if you don't send us a sign or something to tell us how cool heaven is. (totally kidding) :)

angie said...

k, you are a much better person than me because i would have freaked out on that man. wow. you are too nice. yuck. hope you stay healthy.

Cassie said...

i'm alive and feeling a tinge better. i still cannot think about it and i'm afraid if i go to sleep i will have nightmares. i got a little sick as soon as i got home, but it was just my brain making me sick.

but amy, i will send a sign if i take a turn for the worse!

Beckysblog said...

I think I just threw up a little bit.

hotflawedmama said...

blach that is so disgusting. i personally would fake sickness and ask for some free gift cards or something. :)