Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Creative Family

I just finished reading Amanda Blake Soule's The Creative Family. It's pretty over the top, but I did get some pretty good ideas from it. One of which was Family Art Night. I started by going out and purchasing some new art supplies that would be used only for family art night (otherwise Nalani would use them all up in one night). I made the mistake of taking Lani with me to buy them and I thought she was going to have a heart attack right there in the store from pure excitement. But she survived. And the supplies were bought.

So we pulled them out tonight and we worked on our first paintings. It was fun. And this is what we came up with. (be nice. we are novice painters). Paul went for the Bob Ross look and he made some "happy little trees" in his painting. I got called away in the middle of mine and plan on finishing it during our next family art night.

Amanda Blake Soule says that we can all be artists but that at some point in our lives someone told us we were no good and we listened. I'm sorry. But I'm pretty sure whoever told me that had a reason for saying it!! :)
But I'll keep trying. And having fun doing it.
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Chris/Stew; Brenda said...

"creativity is not a measure of talent"
Learned that in my Creative Arts class. Lucky for me!

Anonymous said...

Ya, I think I'm fairly creative but cannot paint!! I think you did very well and to have a time like that to share with the family will be great fun. :- )

Beckysblog said...

I love the 'happy little trees'!!!

Anonymous said...

Found your site by way of Amy Smith. I love the idea of a family art night. That one is going into our weekly schedule immediately! Thanks! :)