Tuesday, May 4, 2010


decided to stop in the computer place today as i was passing by.
new keyboard.
are you kidding me?!?! why oh why have i waited so long???
should be fixed and ready to go by monday!!
now i'm going to type that paragraph again without using my ON-SCREEN KEYBOARD to fix it up.

daecidaeda to stop in the computer plce today s i s pssing by.
ne keybordaa.
re you kidadaing me?? hy ohhy hve i iteda so long???
shoulda be fixeda nda reday to go by mondaay
no i'm going to type tht prgrph gin ithout using my ON-SCREEN KEYBORDA to fix it up.

i have become a master at combining the regular keyboard and the on-screen keyboard to type blogs and emails. paul was fairly impressed with my mad typing skills the other night. apparently it is a sight to behold. so if you know anyone who is looking for someone with these skills, pass along my name. :)

1 comment:

Beckysblog said...

awesome! 38 bucks!