Sunday, January 29, 2012

on having kids...

the things i love about have 3 kids are endless. i could go on and on.
but honestly, i think one of the things i love the most is my chance to be introduced to new things over and over.
see, somehow our kids don't always love the same things we love.
i know...shocking.
i think it's in our nature to lead them towards those things that make our blood pump. that bring us great joy. but our passions are not their passions.
and i love that.
i want to embrace that.
because i am being introduced to a whole new world with each of these kids.
recently it has been lani.
she has been trying to find her niche for a while. she has tried softball, cheerleading, dance and gymnastics. and in true lani fashion, she has tolerated each and every one of them. but she just hasn't loved any of them.
until she found horses.
oh my word.
she has found her passion. she literally dreams about riding horses. i've caught her mid-horse dream. so sweet.
so we started lessons last year. every other week. and she caught on quickly.
we decided to "lease" a horse starting this month. so basically she can go ride bridget anytime she wants. but we are not responsible for anything else.
i love it.
all the perks, no responsibility.
yesterday her horse riding teacher gave us a crash course in getting lani all set up when she wasn't there to help.
and today was our first time alone.
oh my goodness.
trust all wish you would have been there.
the horse almost got loose.
as in running for for open door and the teenagers there yelling "shut the door! shut the door!" fortunately for us, they shut it in time.
crisis #1 averted.
we needed help like 46 times in the 2 hours we were there.
i hate feeling stupid.
i do.
i wanted to walk out and say "nevermind. we have no idea what we are doing. we don't want to lease her."
but lani was so happy. even through my stupidity and ignorance, she was glowing.
so we will press on.
and we will make sure she knows that her riding is just as important to us as brigg's baseball tournaments. that we value her passions as much as our own.
and maybe...just maybe...we will eventually be able to go to the barn and decipher between a bridle and a saddle and a lead rope and bit.
it's a steep learning curve people. very very steep.
but we love her and it's worth it.
as you can see...brigg was ecstatic.
really, it was a fun sunday afternoon at the barn. i'm sure we have many more to look forward to in the near future.
oh...and she's joining the clover kids. 4H. i have no idea what to expect. but we are embracing it.

Saturday, January 28, 2012


it's a green chili kind of day.
pinned this several weeks ago and decided to make it today.
we have been doing a "cleanse" of sorts.
no meat during the week at all.
so we are really looking forward to this tonight...

all of our bathroom parts came in and got picked up yesterday.
everything is sitting here.
in my living room.
waiting to be installed.
my painting professional lady is delivering our buffet/vanity tomorrow.
i'm not kidding.
i am IN LOVE with it!
paul is in the garage right now painting the outside of the claw foot tub.
plumber coming tuesday.
mudder/texturizer coming next weekend.
FINALLY it feels like we may get this room finished.
can't wait to share photos!

we decided to start leasing a horse for lani.
basically she can go ride now anytime she likes.
she is also going to join the clover kids.
she is SO excited. i really never thought i'd have a child who was in 4-H. it was never on my radar as a child. but this fits lani perfectly. and to see her with her horse is so awesome. i'm so happy we have found her niche. so excited for her.

happy weekend to all. happy happy weekend.

Friday, January 27, 2012

(and mother. and teacher.)

Finding this to be so true on my parenting/teaching journey. Especially with Ayla.
She watches.
I have actually seen her reenacting things that I do in front of her.
Kind of freaks me out.
Been thinking a lot about "Less words. More Action."
In the past I have been big on words. Lots of words.
But now I'm seeing how those words mean nothing if not backed up by actions.
5th graders.
They are watching. And taking notes. I think the words mean so much when backed up by the actions.
So my thought for the day and mission statement for this year.
Less words. More Action.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

New life

i have a new life.
and it's kinda nuts and totally different and not what i expected.
i've always kept myself busy. always. sometimes i even think i might have ADHD. i like to DO stuff all the time. i like to be active and busy and moving.
so it's not new that my life is nuts. but it's just a different kind of nuts.
i was talking to an old friend yesterday and mentioned something about being in a perfectly behaved classroom that was quiet and calm. he said, "honestly, cassie? you would not like it. you would miss the grind. you would miss the madnesss."
i have these moments of wanting peace. i was chatting with another friend and blurted out, "WHY DO I HAVE TO GET SO WORKED UP?? why do i have to CARE about this so much? why do i have to get splotchy and feel my blood pressure rise and feel so damn passionate about stuff? WHY? I just want to be even. ALL THE TIME. just chill and even."
she laughed.
because it's hysterical. me? even-keeled? BBBAAAHAHHHAAAAHHHAAA.
so then i tried saying that i just want to fit in box. at least let me just care about ONE or TWO things. and they are located in the same box. because my brains is frazzled. and intense and fried.
how can i possibly love the big city yet want to live in a tiny house in the wilderness? in one month how can i attend a women's ministry meeting, read deep stuff about saving the planet, volunteer to be a part of a technology committee working towards casting the vision of technology in our classrooms, get my nosed pierced and a tattoo on my ring finger, present to my church about buying stoves for families in Haiti, attend a poverty training meeting, buy a kayak, plan a trip to michigan, go to a hawkeye basketball game, baby-sit my foster nephew, watch The Help, make bread from scratch, take a train to chicago, do a cleanse, turn the compost, do yoga, make a dinner out of all canned food from my garden, play words with friends, lead a PTO meeting and still be alive to blog about it?
my mind is spinning at a million miles a minute.
it's a love/hate relationship i have with my brain.
but apparently the idea of my just stopping it all is funny.
to lots of people.
myself included.
let's see....started this job in august. still working on balance. i love everything i am doing.
but i just need to find more of those calm, peaceful moments.
in my technology committee meeting this week, we did a "reflection" of the first day.
it was like an a-ha moment for me.
more reflection, cassie...more reflection.
i used to be good at that. something had to give and that was one of the things.
so here i am again. resurrecting the blog is the plan. we shall see.
my biggest blog issue has been the fact that i now have 2 computers.
i don't download my pictures on my school computer. which, by the way, where in the world is my camera? i don't think i've gotten it out in 2 months.
secondly, my wireless "hot spot" got stolen. so we don't have internet at our house. i just have my phone. and i filed a police report but have heard nothing. and verizon won't release info to me, just the police.
it's whacked.
kind of like my brain.
so how's that for a random blog post?
are ready for me?
these upcoming blogs could be nuts.
i'm baaaaaaaaacccckkkkk....

Thursday, January 12, 2012 2!

It's been two years since the devastating earthquake in Haiti. Half a million people are still living in tents and in extreme poverty. But the good news is that great progress is being made this year.

I want to be part of that great progress, so I made this goal of finding at least two people who will recognize this anniversary by sponsoring a charcoal-efficient stove for a family in Haiti. And maybe those two people will inspire two more people to remember Haiti.

These stoves are revolutionary -- simple and sustainable solutions to major global issues. By sponsoring a stove, you can help a family in Haiti breathe easier, cook faster, and increase their income by saving on fuel costs. They can send their kids to school, start a business, and eat more nutritious foods. You can learn more about this amazing impact at The Adventure Project. They're partnering with people on the ground to create jobs, maintain dignity, and improve livelihoods – all through a little stove.

2 years. 2 friends. 2 stoves. Lots of positive impact. Sponsor a stove and change some lives. And pass it on – inspire two people to remember Haiti today.

CLICK HERE to be one of my 2! Then spread the word!