Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Starting all over...AGAIN

So I spent 2 years teaching 5th grade.
I LOVED it. Truly. In love with 5th grade.
But the opportunity arose for me to teach some STEM classes to middle school students.
And well...my ADHD kicked in.
My need for a new challenge.
So in I jumped.
Both feet.
Super excited about it!!
Design and Modeling as well as ROBOTICS.
Talk about leaving your comfort zone.
Big changes this year.
And I must admit I am drowning a bit.
Barely keeping my nose above water.
But I have the very best, most supportive, amazing family and friends.
Could NOT do this without them.
More to come...I promise.
(and guys! guess WHAT?!? Ayla starts KINDERGARTEN this year!! WHAAAAAT??!)

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