i'm not sure if this is an example of karma, or what. but it's crazy.
you know when you swear you'll never do something...and then you end up in a situation where you feel like you have no other choice but to do it?
yeah...what ever that's called.
it happened to me.
i would say i'm a very "involved" parent at school. i love to volunteer in the classroom.
to go to the classroom parties.
to help out when need be.
but one thing i've never done is attend a PTO meeting.
i have nothing against PTO. i think PTO is awesome. i just am not a PTO-type person.
actually, to be honest, i'm not a MEETING-type person at all.
i like others to have the meetings, do that planning and then ask me to help implement.
or volunteer.
or whatever.
and i have never intentionally avoided the PTO meeting, but i have never made a big effort to go.
and over the course of the past 4 years, i am embarrassed to say i have never been to one PTO meeting.
which brings us to this past month.
we are in a new school this year.
and letter started coming home saying they NEED people to step up for PTO or there would be NO PTO next year.
i honestly didn't think much about it.
but then i happened to be at the school.
and i happened to walk by the principal, who was talking with the PTO president and she yelled.
cassie! CASSIE! come here!
cassie...meet jacqueline.
jacqueline is the PTO president and they are looking for some volunteers.
i told her she should ask YOU!"
i could not run.
i could not hide.
i agreed to come to the next PTO executive meeting and sit in to see what it's about.
when i showed up, i saw the minutes.
they literally listed people who were being considered for positions next year.
and guess whose name was listed as the president?
did you guess?
holy crap.
apparently our school's PTO is struggling. like there honestly will not be PTO next year if they don't find someone to volunteer.
all eyes on me.
are you up for it cassie?
well....i suppose.
so i guess i'm the pto president next year.
at a school where i barely know more than 2 other parents.
where my kids truly are minorities.
where i actually hope to be teaching next year.
and that might be karma.
either way...i'm scared.
and still wondering how in the world this happened.
You hope to be teaching there next year?! Awesome!
"Not only am I the president of the PTO, but I am also the only member!"
I like meetings and planning and stuff like that, so if I had a child going to school there, I would totally be on the PTO with you. However, I don't have a child going there...I don't even live there. So good luck with all that! :)
I can imagine the fundraisers now.... let me know in advance so that I can attend :)
Without PTO here, our kiddos would be missing out on some great opportunities and that is what keeps us going. Your kids will benefit as well.gale
Cassie, After we got off the phone today, I thought,"Look what she has done for WATER!" You can do amazing things with PTO too! Gale
sounds like Someone is all over this!
Wow, Madam President, way to step up to the plate! You'll be great!
that school has no idea what they've gotten themselves into.
ha! :)
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