Friday, August 27, 2010

As the weekend approaches...

We have big, productive plans for the weekend.
We are going to finish up a few projects that need to be done before closing on this house. (and by "we", i mean "paul").
We are going to pack, pack, pack.
Organize, toss, donate, etc.
We've talked about it all week.
This is our only free weekend before the big move.
But honestly, as the weekend is upon us, I want to do anything BUT those things.
I want to go to the first HS football game of the season tonight.
I want to camp.
I want to drink Fat Tire and roast marshmallows around the campfire.
I want to laugh with friends and play games with the kids.
I want to read.
I want to enjoy this weather.

So don't encourage me to do those things. Trust me, I would need very little encouragement.
This is it. Time is running out. We. must. be. productive.
(this is me forcing myself to be responsible. i hate being responsible. especially in weather like this.)
So we'll pack. And toss. And donate.
And I bet we still get in plenty of laughing and Fat Tire. I can't forgo ALL fun.
Happy Friday.
Here's to a super productive weekend.
Ready, set, GO.

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