Tuesday, February 9, 2010

shocking...another snow day

they tried...my first text said 2 hour delay.
i love 2 hour delay. i love having time to leisurely get ready.
make a fun breakfast.
talk without rushing the kids out the door.
so i was happy.
then an hour later i got another text.
school closed.
it's still snowing pretty good.
but honestly, i'm kind of happy. because i'm a procrastinator.
and friday is the kids' valentine's day parties.
we hadn't even started valentines.
so that's what we're doing today.
we just made the salt dough hearts and they are baking.
when they are done we'll be painting them and tomorrow i'm hoping i can get out to get magnets to put on the back.
hope they turn out as cute in real life as they are in my head.
which i'm thinking won't happen.
but it's fun making them together. :)
so thank you mister superintendent for cancelling so i can get my valentines done with the kids. i owe ya one....
(serioulsy need to try and put a positive spin on the fact that we'll be making up snow days for 2 weeks into our summer....)

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