Thursday, July 22, 2010

Early morning...

Willow and Ayla were the first ones up with me this morning.
So we had a little photo shoot.
Can I just say that this dog is going to be amazing with kids.

She has way more tolerence than anyone else in this family.
She doesn't even flinch when Ayla smashes her head..

Or lays next to her...

Or puts her nose 1 inch from her mouth.

It's pretty amazing.
And they are pretty cute, too.
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Kerry said...

Oh Cassie I LOVE the one where they are both lying down next to each other. I imagine in about a decade (or maybe just next year) that one will be quite a tear jerky. You know the ones where you realize just how big the kids have gotten and just how quickly time gets away from you. They are both too cute - and I'm pretty sure they know it too.

Sarah said...

Willow is so stinking cute that the pictures almost look like a fake dog!!! How can a dog be that cute!! Oh and the stinky face is priceless! I'm gonna call it the "stanky face" :)